Day 30 of One Direction

Picture of the boys and a detailed description of why you love them, support them and are proud of them.
Ehm... Okay here we go:
I like them because they're awesome, cool, funny, talented and epic. Whenever I talk about them with my friends, we laugh, always.
I don't really support them in a money kind of way... I don't buy the albums and stuff, but I 'support' them because I like them, and as I said before; they're awesome.
I can't really say that I'm proud over them cause 1; I'm not english and 2; it's weird to say that you're proud of someone you don't even know. But yeah, I think they've done good, and they've come far! :)
Wow, everything was written in english... Yay. Last Day Of One Direction! I DID IT ALL! :D


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